The Food Pantry

Formerly known as Zion Food Pantry, this program began as an outreach run by members of Zion United Church of Christ. Under the leadership of Thom and Nicole Stout, the goal continues to be serving members of the Norwood community on a deeper level than just the food they receive. Human connection is the beating heart that fuels The Food Pantry.

Our community has within it people who are struggling to pay bills and keep food on their tables. It is not uncommon to meet some of our neighbors who may be choosing between the two. The Food Pantry believes that no one should go hungry, and we want to be part of the solution to keep shelves stocked with food for those who are in need. 

The Food Pantry is open to any resident of Norwood who is in need. During the pandemic, pre-prepared bags of food will be handed out for safety reasons. Under normal circumstances, guests can shop for their preferred items. The Food Pantry hopes to begin serving home-cooked community meals when circumstances permit. There is currently a strong tribe of volunteers and sponsors who offer support so the doors can stay open. We would like to seek grant writers whose efforts can help propel the vision forward toward a future where no one is hungry. 


Zion United Church of Christ


  • 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month 10:00-11:00am
  • 2nd Tuesdays of each month 5:00-6:00pm